Baby Trivia Questions for Fun Baby Shower Games
Playing a baby trivia game is a fun way to test your guests’ knowledge while celebrating the new baby and mommy-to-be. You might learn some interesting information too! Here we are sharing a list of the best baby trivia questions for a fun baby shower game.
How to Use Trivia Questions at a Baby Shower
Not only is trivia fun for many different people, it’s also a great game that can be played in person or during virtual baby showers. Each guest can play alone, or you might mix it up by dividing the guests into small groups and setting a time limit to see who can answer the most baby shower questions in the limited amount of time.
I went to a shower recently where half the guests were in person and half were attending virtually. We used Kahoot, which is a free tool used to make all sorts of trivia quiz games and just as easy to use as a guest as it is for the party throwers to create. There were even some trivia questions about the new parents too, which was a great way to get to know the parents-to-be more.
Also, who doesn’t love a bit of competition?
The great thing about Kahoot is it kept track of the baby shower guests on the leader board and we knew who got the prize, which of course is part of every special baby shower function!
You can make this a printable game with a list of the trivia questions on paper for each guest, or you may just use blank paper for guests to write their answers and you read the trivia questions aloud.
Here we have our list of questions (and answers) of interesting facts about babies. Down below, you’ll find another list with questions specific to the expectant parents. You may choose to use questions from one list or the other, or pull a few fun questions from each list!
Baby Trivia Questions:
- On average, a newborn baby sleeps how many hours in a 24-hour period?
- In what year did the original Gerber baby become famous?
- What is the average number of diapers a newborn uses in a day?
- 1-4 diapers
- 15-19 diapers
- 8-12 diapers
- 3-7 diapers
- What color was used for baby boys in the 1900s?
- What was the weight of the heaviest baby at birth?
- What is the duration of an average pregnancy?
- What is the first sense a baby develops?
- Typically, when does a newborn cry real tears?
- Babies are born without which body part?
- A newborn baby’s head accounts for approximately what percentage of their entire body weight?
- What is the average weight of a baby at the time of birth?
- What is the normal size of a baby’s head when they’re born?
- What is the approximate rate of C-sections from 2020 in the United States?
- What color eyes are most babies in the United States born with?
- At what age will your baby’s eye color become set/permanent?
- There are many traditions for different cultures – in Jewish Tradition, what cannot be done before a baby is born?
- What is a baby shower called in South Africa?
- How many bones are babies born with?
- When is the best time to take a pregnancy test (to ensure it’s most likely accurate)?
- Approximately what percentage of women experience some kind of ‘baby blues’ after giving birth?
- Approximately when can you give your baby their first glass of water through an open cup?
- When does the umbilical cord stump generally dry up and fall off?
- What can a baby do that an adult cannot?
- When does a baby typically recognize their mother’s voice?
- When does a baby typically recognize their father’s voice?
- At how many weeks can you find out the sex of your baby on an ultrasound?
- What is the waxy substance called on the baby’s skin when they are born?
- On average how much does it cost to raise a child in the U.S. in their first year of life?
- Where is the safest position for a newborn to be in a car?
Related: 17+ Best Baby Shower Prizes To Win
Correct Answers for Baby Trivia:
- 16 hours
- 1928 – Ann Turner Cook and she was only 4 months old!
- 8-12 diapers
- Pink
- 23 pounds, 9 ounces
- 280 days or 40 weeks
- Sense of Touch
- Newborn babies cry real tears at about 1 month old
- Kneecaps
- 25%
- 7.5 lbs
- 13.5 inches
- 31%
- Blue eyes
- Around 9 months of age, but it can take up to 3 years!
- Buy baby gifts
- A Stork Party
- 300
- 1 week after a missed period
- Approximately 70-80% of all new mothers experience some level of baby blues
- 6 months
- 1-2 weeks after birth
- Breathe and swallow at the same time
- Usually in the first week – but some studies think maybe before birth!
- Around 14 days
- As early as 14 weeks but it isn’t considered to be accurate until 18 weeks
- Vernix caseosa
- About $13,000
- Rear facing in the back seat, not the front seat.
Related: 10 Best Places to Host a Baby Shower
Questions About the New Parents
Try these personal questions and see how the guests’ answers compare to the new parents’ answers!
- What is the baby’s name going to be (for a boy or for a girl)?
- When is the due date?
- What day of the week do you think baby will actually be born?
- What was (mom or dad’s) favorite special item or lovey growing up?
- Who is going to change the first diaper of the baby?
- Who is going to change the baby’s diaper most (mom/dad/both)?
- Who will take the most pictures of the baby?
- Who will be the most likely to spoil the baby?
- Who is going to obsess most about the baby’s health?
- Who is more nervous about labor?
- Almost any pregnant woman craves some sort of specific food. What is ____’s craving?
- What were mom and dad’s first words when they were little?
Hopefully these fun baby shower trivia games have you excited for your next baby event! Don’t forget to snap some photos for the parents to be on your cell phone and break out that video camera! My advice to any soon to be parents is to soak up all the baby love you can, and take photos because the days are long but the years are short!
Comment below with other must have baby shower games – and click here for our complete list of baby shower games that don’t suck!

As a mom of 4 kids (and the oldest of 4 kids herself), Amanda has over 30 years of parenting experience. A former special education teacher, Amanda has a Master’s degree in Special Education and a second M. Ed. in Educational Leadership.
When she’s not working, Amanda enjoys DIY projects, exercising, photography, and long walks through Target.
You can find Amanda on all social media at @parentingnestblog and @amandaseghetti