53 Rad Show and Tell Letter R Ideas
I created all of my Show and Tell A-Z lists when I realized I was struggling to think of things for my preschooler to share each week. Here are all of my show and tell ideas for letter R – so you don’t have to scramble at the last minute too!
Tips for Finding Show and Tell Items
When I try to think of items for show and tell, I try to go through various categories of things we have in our house:
- animals
- books
- food/drinks (real or pretend)
- TV/movie characters
- family member names (to send a picture)
If all else fails, I send a foam letter from our bathtub toys or a letter from a wooden alphabet puzzle.

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Ideas for Show and Tell Letter R
Here are all of my ideas for things that begin with R (that you may find in your home):
Animals that begin with letter R
You may have stuffed animals, plastic animals, or books with these creatures:
- Rhino
- Rat
- Racoon
- Rabbit
- Rattlesnake
- Red Panda
- Red Fox
Books that feature the letter R
Celebrate the letter of the week with yummy snacks and drinks that start with that letter! Check with your child’s teacher before sending real food or drinks to school.
- Little Red Riding Hood by James Marshall
- The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
- Rumplestiltskin by Paul Zelinksy
Food and drinks that begin with the letter R
Check with your child’s teacher before sending real food or drinks to school.
- Ritz crackers
- Rutabaga
- Radish
- Raisins
- Romaine Lettuce
- Red Pepper
- Rice
- Rice cakes
- Rye Bread
- Ring Pop
- See our full list of foods that start with R here!
TV/Movie characters that begin with letter R
- R2-D2 from Star Wars
- Rey Palpatine from Star Wars
- Rapunzel from Tangled
- Russell from Up
- Mr. Ray from Finding Nemo
- Robin from Batman and Robin
- Robin Hood
- Rama from The Jungle Book
- Rex from Toy Story
- Rubble from Paw Patrol
- Remy from Ratatouille
Names that begin with R (for photos of family members)
- Riley
- Randy
- Rick/Ricky
- Ryan
- Rebecca
- Ricardo
- Renee
Other possible R words for show and tell
Check your toy box or closets for these items:
- Rocks
- Race car
- Ribbons
- Radio
- Rubber Band
- Rocket
- Ruler
- Robot
- Running shoes
- Roses (could make a nice surprise gift for the teacher!)
- Rolling pin
- Rainbow
- Ring
- Remote control
- Rope
- See more toys that start with the letter R here!
Get a head start on next week! See our full list of Show and Tell Ideas from A to Z here!

As a mom of 4 kids (and the oldest of 4 kids herself), Amanda has over 30 years of parenting experience. A former special education teacher, Amanda has a Master’s degree in Special Education and a second M. Ed. in Educational Leadership.
When she’s not working, Amanda enjoys DIY projects, exercising, photography, and long walks through Target.
You can find Amanda on all social media at @parentingnestblog and @amandaseghetti